Top 10 Commonly Used Electronic Components

The ten essential electronic components are resistors, capacitors, diodes, zener diodes, inductors, varicap diodes, transistors, FETs, sensors, and transformers, each crucial for modern electronics design and functionality.

Electronic components are the building blocks of any modern electronic circuit. In the present age, when the introduction or up-gradation of any electronic equipment is happening so fast, knowledge about the characteristic features and areas of application for these components has become very essential both for an engineer and for any amateur. Here, PCBX presents the top ten generally used electronic components and guidelines to help one choose the appropriate components.

1. Resistors


Function: Resistors are the current-limiting devices that regulate the flow of electric current by offering a particular resistance value. Thus, the electronic devices operate within their rated current for operational stability. Types: Thermistors: Their resistance varies with temperature. Varistors: They offer surge protection by their resistance characteristics, which change with voltage. Voltage Divider Resistors: They are used for voltage division. Color Ring Resistors: They are identified by color bands. Power Resistors: They can handle high power. Photoresistors: Their resistance changes with light intensity.

Notation: Represented by Ω or the letter R.

2. Capacitors


Function: Capacitors store and release electric charge at a specific voltage, hence allows them to smoothen power supply fluctuations and filter signals.

Notation: Indicated by C, for example, C01, C02, etc.

3. Diodes


Function: Diodes allow current to pass only in one direction, so they are used in rectification, protection, switching, and detection.

4. Zener Diodes

 Zener Diodes-PCBX

Function: Zener diodes allow for the flow of current in one direction only and find their applications in voltage stabilization, overvoltage protection, and power conditioning.

5. Inductors


Function: Inductors store electrical energy and release it by means of a magnetic field. Filtering, changing current and voltage, storing energy in a circuit-each is not possible without an inductor.


Coil Inductors

Inductive Sensors


6. Varicap Diodes

The capacitance of varicap diodes is varied by changing the reverse voltage, and they are therefore applicable to tuned circuits and synthesizers.

7. Transistors


Function: It works by amplifying or switching electrical signals. They find their essential uses in electronic devices, communications, and controlling power.

8. Field Effect Transistors (FETs)

Function: FETs, including MOSFETs and JFETs, afford amplification and switching. They have a high input impedance, low output impedance, and low dissipation of power.

9. Sensors


Function: Sensors convert physical quantities into electrical signals for analysis and control. They find extensive applications in the field of industrial automation, medical equipment, automotive, and many more.


Temperature Sensors

Pressure Sensors

Light Sensors

Acceleration Sensors

Humidity Sensors

10. Transformers


Function: Transformers change the voltage levels in alternating current circuits for efficient power distribution and isolation. They are utilized in a wide range of applications, from power systems to communication networks and industrial applications.

How to Buy Electronic Components?

Due to the ever-evolving industry in electronics, sometimes finding parts becomes an exhausting mission. PCBX, as one of the leading PCB manufacturers, ensures it provides fast quality PCB manufacturing and assembly services to save precious time and energy sourcing components.

Why Choose PCBX?

Mass Inventory: Choose from over 430,000 components.

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Time-Saving: Let PCBX experts research and perform board assembly so that you can free up your time by prioritizing other pressing matters related to your project.

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Mastering these top ten electronic components should enable the engineer to optimize a design, ensuring functionality, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. PCBX is here to support your project with top-tier products and services.

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