PCBX Help Center


How to generate Gerber files in different software?

A Gerber file is the only connection between a hardware engineer and a PCB manufacturer, so there is a definite way in which the designs are passed on for making the product. While making an order through PCBX, all the design files necessary have to be made available in a cost-effective manner.

With PCBX, you can rest assured of high-quality PCB boards at a very low cost. In fact, it is a versatile, comprehensive, and powerful standard RS274X retire design that optimizes every number of PCB layers that are suitable for automated technology.

General Rules Regarding PCBX Uploadation:

Note: When you post your design for PCBX, it is better to use Gerber files in the Gerber RS-274X format.

  • File Organization:

Check that all Geber files and the drill file ash are in one roof or packed.
To detail the physical board, the board contour should be included within the files.
Forever altering the means of Gerber RS-274X makes it possible for the use of older systems with lesser data quality than in the new system. This additional manufacturing information significantly reduces the likelihood of errors during the process of producing the PCBs.

  • Preparing PCB Gerber Files:

The inclusion of correct extensions for the Gerber files and drill files is important in making the validation procedure easier for the design. Gerber files are saved with different names and extensions as per the different PCB design packages.


Note: EDA is a proprietary tool we have developed in-house. If the default-generated files are

FilenameStructure Layout
OutGerber-B_Cu.gblBottom Copper Layer
OutGerber-B_Mask.gbsBottom Soldermask
OutGerber-B_Paste.gbpBottom Paste
OutGerber-B_Silkscreen.gboBottom Silkscreen
OutGerber-Drill.drlDrill Layer
OutGerber-Edge_Cuts.gbrEdge Cuts
OutGerber-F_Cu.gtlTop Copper Layer
OutGerber-F_Mask.gtsTop Soldermask
OutGerber-F_Paste.gtpTop Paste
OutGerber-F_Silkscreen.gtoTop Silkscreen


FilenameStructure Layout
*-F_Cu.gbr/ *-F.Cu.gbr/ *-F.Cu.gtlTop Copper Layer
*-B_Cu.gbr/ *-B.Cu.gbrBottom Copper Layer
*-F_Mask.gbr/ *-F.Mask.gbr/ *-F.Mask.gtsTop Soldermask
*-B_Mask.gbr/ *-B.Mask.gbr/ *- B.Mask.gbsBottom Soldermask
*-F_Paste.gbr/ *-F.Paste.gbr/ *-F.Paste.gtpTop Solderpaste
*-B_Paste.gbr/ *-B.Paste.gbr / *-B.Paste.gbpBottom Solderpaste
*-F_SilkS.gbr/ *-F.SilkS.gbr / *-F.SilkS.gtoTop Silkscreen
*-B_SilkS.gbr/ *-B.SilkS.gbr / *-B.SilkS.gboBottom Silkscreen
*-Edge_Cuts.gbr/ *-Edge.Cuts.gbrBoard Outline
*-Edge.Cuts.gm1Board Mechanical Layer
*-NPTH.drlDrill None Plated Layer
*-PTH.drlDrill Layer


There are several versions of EAGLE, each with unique filename conventions. To prevent any confusion, we provide three distinct sets of naming guidelines.

Set 1

FilenameStructure Layout
Copper_top.gbrTop Copper Layer
Copper_bottom.gbrBottom Copper Layer
Profile.gbrBoard Outline
Silkscreen_top.gbrTop Silkscreen
Silkscreen_bottom.gbrBottom Silkscreen
Soldermask_top.gbrTop Soldermask
Soldermask_bottom.gbrBottom Soldermask
Solderpaste_top.gbrTop Solderpaste
Solderpaste_ bottom.gbrBottom Solderpaste
Drill_1_16.xlnDrill Layer

Set 2

FilenameStructure Layout
xxx.cmpTop Copper Layer
xxx.solBottom Copper Layer
xxx.plcTop Silkscreen
xxx.plsBottom Silkscreen
xxx.stcTop Soldermask
xxx.stsBottom Soldermask
xxx.crcTop Solderpaste
xxx.crsBottom Solderpaste
xxx.drdDrill Layer

Set 3

FilenameStructure Layout
xxx.toplayer.gerTop Copper Layer
xxx.bottomlayer.gerBottom Copper Layer
xxx.internalplane1.gerInner Copper Layer
xxx.internalplane2.gerInner Copper Layer
xxx.boardout.gerBoard Outline
xxx.topsilkscreen.gerTop Silkscreen
xxx.bottomsilkscreen.gerBottom Silkscreen
xxx.topsoldermask.gerTop Soldermask
xxx.bottomsoldermask.gerBottom Soldermask
xxx.tcream.gerTop Solderpaste
xxx.bcream.gerBottom Solderpaste
xxx.drills.xlnDrill Layer


FilenameStructure Layout
xxx.gtlTop Copper Layer
xxx.gblBottom Copper Layer
xxx.g1Inner Copper Layer
xxx.gm3Board Mechanical Layer
xxx.gkoBoard Outline
xxx.gtoTop Silkscreen
xxx.gboBottom Silkscreen
xxx.gtsTop Soldermask
xxx.gbsBottom Soldermask
xxx.gtpTop Solderpaste
xxx.gbpBottom Solderpaste
xxx.txtDrill Layer


FilenameStructure Layout
xxx.TOPTop Copper Layer
xxx.BOTBottom Copper Layer
xxx.IN1Inner Copper Layer
xxx.FABBoard Outline
xxx.SSTTop Silkscreen
xxx.SSBBottom Silkscreen
xxx.SMTTop Soldermask
xxx.SMBBottom Soldermask
xxx.SPTTop Solderpaste
xxx.SPBBottom Solderpaste
xxx.TAPDrill Layer


FilenameStructure Layout
xxx.top.gbrTop Copper Layer
xxx.bottom.gbrBottom Copper Layer
xxx.out.gbrBoard Outline
xxx.topsilk.gbrTop Silkscreen
xxx.bottomsilk.gbrBottom Silkscreen
xxx.topmask.gbrTop Soldermask
xxx.bottommask.gbrBottom Soldermask
xxx.toppaste.gbrTop Solderpaste
xxx.bottompaste.gbrBottom Solderpaste
xxx.fab.gbrDrill Layer
xxx.plated-drill.cncDrill Layer

Creating an accurate Gerber file is a prerequisite that must be satisfied in order to understand how the user’s amazing design can be fabricated. In PCBX, collaboration with leading suppliers of raw materials all over the world makes it possible to produce high-grade reliable boards for any type of PCB. Our economies of scale have made it possible for us to bring down costs significantly. Therefore, the same costs have been handed down to our customers. This makes sure that the cost is no longer a hindrance in hardware progress.

Also, some of new customers are getting free services of PCB and PCBA from the company PCBX (up to 10 pieces of each). Sign up today, upload your Gerbers and start ordering your PCBs at PCBX.