Free DFM Check

Free DFM Check

Along with our PCB Assembly Service, we offer Free PCB File Check or Free DFM (Design for Manufacturability) by checking your PCB design files for any problems that will delay or trouble the manufacturing process. If there are any problems, we will notify you right away by email and work with you to correct the issues and adjust the fabrication schedule of your PCBs as necessary.

Though this is a free service, the DFM Check at PCBX is beneficial because we use the Valor DFM/DFA checking system, to quickly detect any manufacturing problems that may interfere with your PCB manufacturing process, which benefits your production by cutting costs and delivering your PCBs in a shorter period.

PCBX will conduct DFM checks from five aspects: Drill Checks, Signal and Mixed Layer Checks, Power/Ground Checks, Solder Mask Checks, and Silkscreen Checks. The detailed checklists are as outlined below, for PCB DFM checks.

Drill Checks

drill checks-PCBX

The Drill Checks procedure is used to produce comprehensive statistical data about the drill layers as well as to identify possible manufacturability flaws in the via, buried via, and blind via drill layers.This functionality only considers drill layers, specifically the top and bottom layers of a drill stack. It also makes use of any power or ground levels that exist in the stack. The checklist's core components are as follows:

Check ItemsFunctions
Hole sizeProvides a list of all PTHs, NPTHs & vias, and NPTHs that need pilot drills.
Hole separationReports duplicate holes, touching holes and close holes.
Missing holesReports missing drills for non-SMD pads.
Extra holesReports redundant drills that do not belong to any pad.
Ground shorts
Reports drills touching large copper nets of more than one power or ground layer.
NPTH to RouteReports drills that have the Tooling hole or Mounting hole attributes, and NPTHs that are close to the route path.
Stubbed viasReports cases of vias not connected to at least two copper layers.
Reports the absence of thermals for Thru-hole pin drills and calculates the total copper area of thermal connections through all negative power, ground and mixed layers.

Signal and Mixed Layer Checks

Signal and Mixed Layer Checks-PCBX

This function examines a signal or mixed layer for potential manufacturability flaws and produces associated statistics. Although the action may be applied to any type of layer, typical use is with signal layers above. It utilizes the specific layer and any NC layer (drill or route) that overlaps it. The primary items checked for include:

Check ItemsFunctions
SpacingReports spacing violations between pads, circuits and nets, and between text to text, also shorts and spacing between different CAD nets & close distances between non-touching features on the same CAD or layer nets.
DrillReports distance violations between NPTHs/PTHs/Vias, and pads, circuits, annular rings and copper. Also reports missing pads.
RouteReports distance violations between edge of route features and pads, circuits, etc.
SizeReports size of pads, shaved lines, text, line neckdowns, arcs and shaved arcs.
SliverReports on slivers between lines and pads & between pads and pads. Slivers between a text feature & a functional pad will be reported, while silver between two features with the Copper Text attribute will be ignored.
StubsReports unconnected line endpoints.

Power/Ground Checks

Power/Ground Checks-PCBX

The Power/Ground Checks are intended to identify manufacturability-related defects in power, ground, and mixed layers. The tool includes advanced algorithms on both negative and positive power and ground layers. Some of the key items on this major checklist include:

Check ItemsFunctions
DrillReports distance violation between NPTHs/PTHs/Vias to plane, copper, clearance and annular rings.
SilverReports slivers in negative and positive layers.
RouteReports close spacing between copper/clearance and route features
ThermalReports spoke (tie) widths and reduction of connectivity of thermal pads.
NFP SpacingReports spacing between NFPs and NFPs, NFPs and planes.
Plane spacingReports spacing between features of different planes
Keepout areas
Reports features inside/outside Keepin/Keepout areas
Plane widthReports insufficient width of copper between 2 drills connected to a copper plane.
Reports disconnected areas of copper often used as reference planes that are left in a design could cause an unreferenced critical net, or a missing electrical connection.

Solder Mask Checks

solder mask checks-PCBX

This function is aimed to check Solder Mask layers for possible manufacturability defects. Solder Mask layers are always considered negative; all positive features in the layer represent clearances or no solder mask. Additionally, the application of solder paste to every SMD pad will be verified, and one Solder Mask layer on each side is checked at a time. If more than one SMD layer is selected, this function will not perform properly. Following is the main checklist:

Check ItemsFunctions
DrillReports close distance to solder mask openings of PTH/NPTH annular rings, and where NPTH touches mask..
PadsReports close distance to solder mask openings of all pads, including undrilled pads. It also reports on a special group, Gaskets, which reports the width of solder mask overlap on features.
CoverageReports lines too close to clearance (that is, not adequately covered).
RouteReports close distance between solder mask and route features.
BridgeReports different net pads without solder mask bridges.
SilverReports slivers between solder mask clearance.
MissingReports missing clearances.
SpacingReports close spacing between clearance (wider than silver).
ExtraReports solder mask features which lack copper pads, or do not intersect with copper.

Silkscreen Checks

This feature finds potential production issues within silkscreen layers and reports related statistics. This check applies only to silkscreen layers; however, it uses the job matrix to refer to external copper, solder mask, and drill layers. The key checklist covers the following:

Check ItemsFunctions
Solder mask
Reports close distances between silkscreen features and solder mask clearance.
SMD clearanceReports close distances between silkscreen features and SMD pads.
Pad clearanceReports close distances between silkscreen features and pads.
Hole clearanceReports close distances between silkscreen features and drills.
Reports close distances between silkscreen features and route features.
Line widthReports line width violations and length to width ratio violations.
String overlapReports the touching or intersection of silkscreen features of various string value.

PCBX Provides Free DFM Check

Would you like to receive a free DFM or Design for Manufacturability check? Our Standard PCB service and Circuit Assembly service now include a free DFM check. Get free quotes today and get started.

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